East Valley Ski Club

The East Valley Ski Club offers discount trips to premier snow riding destinations primarily in North America. Packages include transportation (including airfare), lodging and lift tickets. The club often schedules activities during the trips such as group dinners or NASTAR fun races that are optional. You are free to join in activities or do your own thing. EVSC is a low key organization with the purpose of providing opportunities to have fun in the snow. Families are welcome.

Monday, August 31, 2009

September Meeting

The September meeting of the EVSC will be on Wednesday, Sept 16th, at Jimmy's of Chicago (Jimmy C's), on Northeast corner of Pecos and Gilbert. The social hour starts at 6 pm and the meeting is at 7 pm. There will be an update on the Ski College trip and many more items. We hope to see you there. No dues are required to attend our meetings.